The secret of Ferrari's success

Yesterday I was in the city centre of Canterbury and a Ferrari passed by, and everyone, I mean, everyone turns to look at her in amazement, as if it were an extra-terrestrial object.
Part of that idea of lust, of a dream, yes, because first of all Ferrari sells a dream and is visible right from the reaction of the surrounding people.
So I asked myself how does a brand like that with 70 years behind it to keep alive the impact and that feeling libidinoic on people, also because you want to believe or not the Ferrari brand is still at the top.
How do they do it? They use the PESA formula (of course this formula doesn't exists) but an acronym of the genre always sounds like a magic formula (abracadabra).
This formula comes from italian, so in english language shouldn't be PESA, but unfortunately PESM and this name doesn't sounds very good.


In fact, Enzo Ferrari never started with the idea of making a marketing brand, but to create a great car, we must not forget that the product is at the base of the whole marketing ecosystem.


Typical of the "luxury" brands, in fact, when Ferrari sells a limited series of 200 cars at the cost of a million euro they already sell them all even before they announced the product, but the most incredible thing is that those who buy have not seen yet the car, because they trust in Ferrari.
And this is the typical dogma of Ferrari: We produce a Ferrari less than the market demands.

M = MEMBERSHIP (but should be A)

There's a "Ferrari Family" which you can participate and that gives you advantages, in fact, whoever buys Ferrari is like trying to protect the brand "from extinction", the more Ferrari you buy the more exclusive your relationship with the company of Maranello.

In these 70 years, Ferrari has applied this formula in an excellent way, without infringing it.
Unfortunately now there is a factor T (Tradition) which in my opinion is a bit blocking, in fact Ferrari, unlike Lamborghini sins a bit' from the point of view of digital communication, the social content is missing, which are showing very effective, so much so that even in Silicon Valley more and more companies are being transformed.


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